Homeschooling made easy

COVID has left many families in distress. The Mindful Scholar is dedicated to supporting parents during this unprecedented time. If virtual school is not working for your family, we are here to support you. Set up your homeschool now with our step-by-step homeschool guide & 5-day curriculum for only $39 CAD $79 CAD. To show our support, we are offering a 50% COVID discount to help families thrive through this pandemic. You are not alone. We are all in this together.


Promotes Higher Learning

Saves Valuable Time

Creates Thriving Families

How it works


What you get

a 33 page PDF that can be viewed on your device or printed and includes:

  • Step-by-step guidance on how to step up a homeschooling system that works for your family
  • Customizable scheduling tools
  • Detailed lessons and activities to fill the day with learning and fun such as
    1. English literature, science and mathematics lesson plans
    2. Quiet time ideas
    3. Passion project ideas
    4. Family bonding activities

Content has been created for children between the ages of 5 - 12

Better for your family. Easy on your wallet.

  • Provides you with the direction and confidence to teach your children at home
  • Allows you to engage and teach children of different ages
  • Limits screen time
  • Provides a customizable schedule that allows your kids to explore their passions and still complete their zoom meetings for school
  • Saves time and money required to research different homeschool programs and methods
  • Offers fun and engaging activities to do at home for the summer


Otis Delaney

English Montreal School Board Principal

The Mindful Scholar mindfulness approach is captivating and the founder, Rekha Magon's, calm demeanour permeates throughout any audience, classroom, or group.  

We have called upon The Mindful Scholar for professional development workshops for the entire staff and our teachers and support staff absolutely loved the energy and philosophy that The Mindful Scholar brought. Each time we are mesmerized by the many techniques used. I was most impressed at The Mindful Scholar's ability to mobilize an entire school of 250 students during an assembly. It was alsolutely amazing!!!!

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Shefali Tsabary

Clinical Psychologist. New York Times Best-Selling Author. Oprah’s Parenting Expert

With captivating and engaging techniques, The Mindful Scholar is my top recommendation for giving your children the lifelong gift of mindfulness. 

Simple yet effective, you will watch your children blossom into healthy, connected and creative bundles of joy. Every parent and school should use The Mindful Scholar's tools to nurture your children's whole being.

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Edward Monaghan

UCLA Kinesthetics Brain Science Professor & Co-Founder of Ekata Training Centers

My wife and I own a center in Southern California that offers mindfulness and movement based learning tactics for adults and children called Ekata Training Center. We introduced "Mindful Ozzy"

and he was quite the hit! We initially began to use him in the classroom for the 3 to 5 year old children but we learned very quickly that the older kids - and more importantly, the adults began to gain a clearer understanding of the process through the use of this simple learning tool. We've also found that the short lessons for children are a wonderful complement to our regular curriculum. I highly recommend "Mindful Ozzy" for anyone who wants to share mindfulness practice with their children along with professionals who need a simple and effective tool to convey the sometimes perplexing meaning of mindfulness practice to those who are new to the practice.

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A snippet from the 33-page homeschool program


Awards & Recognition

Winner of CBC Media Pitch Competition at Startupfest

Winner of CBC Media Pitch Competition at Startupfest

Winner of Founder Institute's Public Demo Day & 2018 Edtech Fellowship

Winner of Founder Institute's Public Demo Day & 2018 Edtech Fellowship

Research & Experience

The Mindful Scholar’s founder, Rekha Magon, an avid homeschool mama, has spent hundreds of hours researching the different educational pedagogy from Microschools to Waldorf, Montessori, Reggio, Charlotte Mason to Unschooling. Bridging together the best concepts from numerous schools of thought, she’s curated a unique weekly action plan that fosters creative learning. This framework has proven to bring joy, fulfillment, and freedom to what she calls the School of Life.

In response to the COVID crisis, The Mindful Scholar is offering parents a tried and tested Homeschool Framework Program and BONUS 5-Day curriculum.


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